BlackRhino apt repository backup

Backup of BlackRhino Linux apt repository for Playstation 2, taken before went offline.

BlackRhino is an alternative, Debian GNU/Linux based distribution for the Playstation 2 Linux Kit (the official kit being based on Red Hat).

See also: Archives of Playstation 2 Linux resources

Installation / base image


Install HOWTO here


deb stable main
deb-src stable main

Or alternatively browse the pool of packages...

Getting a complete copy of this archive

If you want a copy of the archive, use the ZIP file provided. It is about 1.1 GiB.

Do not use wget --mirror, debmirror (or similar) to archive the site, just use the ZIP.


This mirror provided by micolous without any warranties provided.

It is available over HTTP and HTTPS, however you probably won't be able to access the HTTPS version on a PS2-Linux machine (due to incompatible ciphers and not having the Let's Encrypt CA).

Please note that many of these packages are out of date and contain security vulnerabilities. You should not connect the PS2 to any untrusted network (such as the internet), unless you don't mind being hacked! :)